
Care Tips for Senior Pets

Senior pets make excellent companions and deserve special care. Photo by Bark Magazine.

Senior pets make excellent companions and deserve special care. Photo by Bark Magazine.


At Merry Pets, we know that senior pets often need extra TLC and care than their spry young counterparts. That’s why we tailor our pet sitting, walks and other services to fit their needs. To meet your senior pet’s needs, follow these helpful tips.

Provide regular exercise. Just because your pet is older doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need to keep active. Providing play and exercise time to keep your pet active–even at a slower pace to match his needs–will keep his joints healthy and help him maintain a healthy weight.

Get regular vet checks. Checking your pet’s dental and physical health yearly can help you stay informed about developing health issues, enabling you to head them off at the pass. Senior pets often have different health challenges as their bodies get older, so regular vet checks are an important part of their care.

Accommodate their needs. Whether it’s special pet food for a temperamental stomach, softer bedding for sore joints or something else, sometimes older pets require special accommodations to meet their aging needs. Plan to provide for them to keep them healthy and happy.

For more tips to keep senior pets healthy, visit Pet MD.