The Benefits of Licensing & Microchipping Your Pet

You work hard to make sure your furry family members are safe and secure. But aside from securing leashes and making sure the fences are strong, one safety measure that you shouldn’t overlook is getting your pet licensed and/or microchipped. Both of these methods will help you recover your furry friend more quickly should you ever be separated.

Licensing in Salt Lake County

Before your furry friend turns five months old or within 30 days of bringing him home, whichever happens first, you’re required to apply for a license if you live in Salt Lake County. Most cities and unincorporated areas of Salt Lake County require all dogs and cats to be licensed, and three different areas–Herriman, Holladay and unincorporated county areas–require ferrets to be licensed as well. The only requirement to be licensed is that your pet should have a current rabies vaccination. Some cities give you a discount on the registration fee if you provide proof of spay or neutering, too.

You can license your pet in person at a local shelter, through the mail or online. Find out how at the Salt Lake County Animal Services site. Whichever method you choose, include proof of the current rabies vaccination, sterilization (if applicable) and the licensing fee.

Not only will licensing your pet help ensure a quicker reunion with your pet, it also ensures that your pet gets emergency veterinary care should an animal control officer find him/her injured. So it can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Licensing your pet helps give you peace of mind, increasing your chances of a reunion should he/she become lost. Photo courtesy of MLife.

Licensing your pet helps give you peace of mind, increasing your chances of a reunion should he/she become lost. Photo courtesy of MLife.

Microchipping Your Pet

While licensing your pet improves your chances of a reunion, having a small microchip placed under your pet’s skin increases that chance more than 200% than licensing alone. This chip is no bigger than a grain of rice and is usually embedded in the skin in the back of the neck by your veterinarian or a shelter worker. Contact information for you is embedded in the chip, so if your pet becomes lost the shelter can scan the chip and call you to come get your pet.

Microchipping your pet increases your chance or reuniting with him/her more than 200% than licensing alone. Photo courtesy of Cherry Ridge Veterinary Clinic.

Microchipping your pet increases your chance or reuniting with him/her more than 200% than licensing alone. Photo courtesy of Cherry Ridge Veterinary Clinic.

Microchipping your pet increases your chance or reuniting with
him/her more than 200% than licensing alone. It is very affordable – it’s a one-time cost of approximately $40-50. That’s about the cost of 1-2 months of pet food–and it’s a small investment on your peace of mind.

Getting your pet licensed and/or microchipped takes a little time and a little money, but it is completely worth the investment when you feel that relief and happiness of being reunited with your pet.

5 Exercise Benefits for Dogs

At Merry Pets, we love taking dogs on hikes. It’s great to be outdoors with your pets, where their personalities shine. Not only do group hikes in small groups allow dogs to have adventures exploring, they also give dogs socialization practice and great exercise. According to the ASPCA, regular exercise gives your dog tons of benefits, including

Benefit #1: Helps them maintain a healthy weight.

Benefit #2: Keeps their bodies strong, limber and agile.

Benefit #3: Tires them out to prevent restlessness (which can lead to behavior issues).

Benefit #4: Reduces common behavior issues restless dogs experience, like chewing, hyperactivity, excessive barking, digging and more.

Benefit #5: Keeps digestive issues at bay.

Book your dog’s group hike today to give your dog exercise and keep him/her healthy.


Water for Your Pet’s Health

During the summer heat, there’s nothing more refreshing than cool water. Whether we’re playing in it or drinking it, water is a key tool to beating the heat, for humans and animals alike.

Drinking water to stay hydrated not only helps your pet keep cool, it also helps his overall health. Like us humans, most animals’ bodies are made up of mostly water, so drinking water allows the systems in their bodies to run better. Dogs drink about an ounce of water per pound of their body weight, unless they exercise and need more. At Merry Pets, we’re committed to keeping your pets hydrated and healthy, so we

*make sure your pets have plenty of fresh, clean water in clean bowls daily when we pet/house sit.
*bring water along on dog walks and hikes to ensure your dog’s getting plenty of refreshing, clean drinking water.

*take your dogs on hikes in places with higher elevations, shady trails or running water to keep them cooler overall.
*carry water in cars while transporting your pets to and from their destinations for pet taxi and hikes.

Keep your dog cool and healthy this summer with plenty of hydration for optimal health.


Pet Care in Emergencies

Preparing ahead for emergencies for all the members of your family—both human and animal—will give you peace of mind. Check out these tools to get started preparing today.

Be aware of after-hours veterinary clinics. Sometimes illnesses and emergencies happen outside of business hours, so keep a list of after-hours emergency clinics on hand, like this one from Pets in the City Magazine.

Place a rescue alert sticker on your home. These stickers, recommended by the ASPCA, alert first responders that there are pets in your home. That way, they won’t be overlooked in an emergency.


Put together rescue kits. Keeping a few days’ supplies on hand will ensure you have what your pet needs for the time following an emergency. You’ll find free lists for pet 72-hour kits on the Pets in the City Magazine website.

3 Tips for Successful Road Trips with Pets

Taking your pets on road trips is a fun summer pastime! And preparing for such trips can help them be more of a pleasant activity than a chore. Follow these tips for fun and safe summer road trips with your pets.

Tip #1: Make sure your pets are ready. Acclimate your pets to car rides ahead of time to make long road trips go much easier. Take short trips around town to help them get used to–and look forward to–longer trips.

Tip #2: Make pets comfy. Place a sunshade on your car windows to reduce heat for your furry, feathered or scaly friends. Choose travel crates that are ventilated and keep your pets cool, placing ice packs around or in their travel crates if needed. Spritz them periodically with water from a spray bottle as needed to keep their temperatures low and their spirits high.

Tip #3: Plan ahead to stop frequently. Dogs and cats need frequent bio breaks and time to stretch their legs, so make sure to plan time to stop at rest stops. Bring along fresh water and a bowl, and keep a tarp handy if you need to create a shady area for these stops.

Following these tips will help your road trip with pets go smoothly! For more great tips, visit the WebMD Pets site.


Help Pets Beat the Heat

Labor Day may be the unofficial end of summer, but there’s still plenty of summer left to enjoy. And while summer is a time of fun in the sun, its heat can really be tough on pets, especially dogs, who are outside more than most pets. Follow these tips to help your dogs beat the summer heat to stay healthy and cool.

Provide shelter. Make sure your dog has a doghouse, patio or other shaded space to get out of the sun and stay cool during the hot summer days.

Make sure your dog has shelter to keep cool. Photo courtesy of DIY Network.

Make sure your dog has shelter to keep cool. Photo courtesy of DIY Network.

Leave your dog at home on hot days. It’s fun to bring your pets on errands with you when the weather is nice. But most stores and restaurants don’t allow pets, and leaving your dog in a car on hot days can be not only dangerous, but fatal. Leave your dog at home on hot days to stay cool and healthy.

Avoid strenuous exercise and hot surfaces. In the scorching heat of the afternoon sun, taking long hikes or even walks on hot surfaces can be painful and even dangerous to dogs. That’s why Merry Pets takes dog hikes in higher altitudes on trails with lots of shade and water to keep your pets cool and safe. And why we walk dogs on grass rather than hot concrete.

Provide lots of water. The best way to keep your dog cool in the summer heat is to provide lots of clean, fresh water to drink and play in. Get more tips on the benefits of water in this blog post.

Keeping your pups cool in the summer heat will help them stay healthy to enjoy the dog days of summer.

Three Tips to Recover a Lost Pet

It’s always scary when a pet runs away. We at Merry Pets have joined in the search for clients’ lost furry friends in the past and know how stressful it can be. There are lots of things you can do to help get your pet back quickly, and time is of the essence, so the things you do in the first hour that you discover your pet is lost are critical. Follow these tips from Utah Lost & Found Pets to help you be prepared.

In the first 15 minutes, look for your pet within a one-mile radius of wherever he/she was lost. Grab friends and neighbors to help you go door to door, letting neighbors know your pet is missing. Bring a photo of your pet along if possible, and be sure to hand out your contact info to everyone you talk to so they can easily get a hold of you if they spot your pet (business cards work well for this).

In the next 10-15 minutes, call the animal control office nearest you and let them know as many details about your pet as possible, including a physical description and any medical, tag or micro chip info. That way, they can quickly match any new pets brought in to the info you’ve provided.

In the next 30 minutes, make and distribute flyers to post around your neighborhood and online. Make sure the flyer has one nice photo that takes up half the flyer space, your pet’s name and the info you gave the animal control office; the date and time your pet was lost; the cross streets, city, state and zip code where your pet was lost; and your contact info.

Distribute the flyers around your neighborhood and online on the Utah Lost and Found Pets Facebook pageKSL Classifieds and more.

Putting these tips into action can help you find your lost pet quickly. Read more tips on the Utah Lost & Found Pets Facebook page.


Easy Tips for Brushing Pets

Brushing your pet’s fur is great for her hygiene, skin and overall wellbeing. While Merry Pets offers brushing and other pet spa services for the times you’re away or unable to, when you are home, brushing your pet can also be a very relaxing activity and a wonderful bonding activity. Follow these quick tips to brush your pet with ease.

Get your pet ready.  If your pet hasn’t been brushed before, a little prep work can take the activity from something she fears to something she looks forward to. Some specialists recommend you try stroking your pet with a clean oven glove or the back of a brush several times before using the bristle side of a brush, just to get her used to being pet with something other than a hand. Then slowly introduce brushing with bristles after you feel she’s ready.

Get the right brush. The right brush can make this grooming activity more of a massage while the wrong one can feel pretty painful. As a good rule of thumb, bristle brushes will work for most pets’ coats. According to Drs Foster and Smith, the longer your pet’s hair is, the more widely spaced the brush bristles should be, and the more coarse your pet’s hair is, the stiffer the bristles should be. Wire pin brushes with rubber tips make good choices for curly or wooly coats and slicker brushes work well for mats and tangles.

Get the right attitude. Brushing your pet can be a relaxing activity for you both, but it starts with you taking a relaxing approach with a positive attitude. If you lack confidence on how to brush your pet, your approach can be fearful, which she’ll sense. (Try watching videos on YouTube or reading tips on your favorite pet specialist’s site to build your confidence first.) Approach your pet with a relaxed, positive attitude and she’ll sense that too.


Following these tips can make brushing a positive experience that improves your pet’s health and wellbeing.

Care Tips for Senior Pets

Senior pets make excellent companions and deserve special care. Photo by Bark Magazine.

Senior pets make excellent companions and deserve special care. Photo by Bark Magazine.


At Merry Pets, we know that senior pets often need extra TLC and care than their spry young counterparts. That’s why we tailor our pet sitting, walks and other services to fit their needs. To meet your senior pet’s needs, follow these helpful tips.

Provide regular exercise. Just because your pet is older doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need to keep active. Providing play and exercise time to keep your pet active–even at a slower pace to match his needs–will keep his joints healthy and help him maintain a healthy weight.

Get regular vet checks. Checking your pet’s dental and physical health yearly can help you stay informed about developing health issues, enabling you to head them off at the pass. Senior pets often have different health challenges as their bodies get older, so regular vet checks are an important part of their care.

Accommodate their needs. Whether it’s special pet food for a temperamental stomach, softer bedding for sore joints or something else, sometimes older pets require special accommodations to meet their aging needs. Plan to provide for them to keep them healthy and happy.

For more tips to keep senior pets healthy, visit Pet MD.

Pet Care Tips for Fall

As Autumn arrives with its cooler weather and color-changing leaves, it’s time to trade your summer shorts in for sweaters and start decorating your home with gourds and wreaths. But as you’re preparing for Fall at your home and in your wardrobe, try these tips to prepare for your pet’s safety and health, too.

Stay active. With the weather cooling down, it’s a fantastic time to take your pet outside to get some additional Vitamin D from the sun without burning up in the heat. Take care of your pet this Fall by getting outside together in the Autumn weather for walks, hikes, games of fetch and more. If you’re short on time, call Merry Pets to schedule some extra hikes or walks for your pet, to help keep him healthy and active. Don’t forget to crunch some leaves while you’re out and about, just for fun!

Take advantage of the cooling weather to play outside with your pet. Image from

Take advantage of the cooling weather to play outside with your pet. Image from

Watch out for poisons. Caring for pets in Autumn means watching out for things that can be poisonous to them. While you’re outside on Fall adventures, take care that your pet avoids eating mushrooms, which grow abundantly and can be fatal if ingested. And indoors, be careful to place Halloween candy, especially chocolate, as well as any rodenticides, out of your pet’s reach to keep him safe and healthy.

Have patience. Just as the trees shed their leaves in the Fall, pets shed their fur, feathers and skin in preparation to bulk up a bit for winter. So taking care of your pet during Autumn will involve a little extra patience and cleaning. Molting birds and shedding snakes may be a bit cranky and not as open to handling, so give them a little space to shed and try not to take their crankiness personally. According to Kim Lange of Kim’s Cold Blooded Creatures, providing plenty of humidity for insects and reptiles helps them shed their skin. And placing a hard surface (such as a rock or piece of wood) in a snake’s habitat helps them shed their skins a little easier. And don’t forget to keep a lint roller, broom and vacuum nearby to pick up extra fur and feathers.

Be prepared to be patient and clean a bit more as pets shed their summer coats, skins and feathers for Fall.

Be prepared to be patient and clean a bit more as pets shed their summer coats, skins and feathers for Fall.

Cold Weather Protection Tips

As the weather grows colder, Jack Frost doesn’t just nip at your nose–he also makes it difficult for your pets. Taking a few precautions will protect your pets from ol’ Jack Frost, keeping them safe and healthy during the cold winter months.

Keep them warm. Keeping your pet warm during the winter will go a long way towards keeping him happy and healthy. Try:

  • keeping your cat or dog’s furry coats full in the winter to provide extra heat, rather than grooming them more closely,

  • putting a sweater or jacket on your cat or dog for extra warmth,

  • providing outdoor shelter for your kitty or pup, or keeping them inside more,

  • covering some of the screened areas of your reptile’s enclosure to keep the humidity and heat in during this cold, dry time of year,

  • keeping rodent and bird cages away from drafty windows or doors, or

  • providing thicker bedding for dogs and cats and adding more bedding materials to rodents’ cages.

Keeping your pets warm is important to us at Merry Pets. If dogs get cold on walks or hikes, we bundle them up!

Keeping your pets warm is important to us at Merry Pets. If dogs get cold on walks or hikes, we bundle them up!

Pet proof your house. Prevent potential burns for pets around the heating devices of your home. Place guards around fireplaces or radiators, and put space heaters in a place where pets won’t accidentally bump into them.

Stay home. Just like leaving your companion animal in a car during the hot summer months is dangerous, leaving him in a cold car is as well. Cars can get as cold as refrigerators, so keep your pets home in the controlled temperature warmth of your home for their safety.

Wipe their paws. After dogs come in from a walk or hike, or when outdoor cats come in, wipe down their paws to keep them dry and prevent them from salt damage. Or, do what we do at Merry Petsand coat your dog’s paws with Musher’s Secret prior to a walk. A thin coat of this breathable wax keeps the paw pads free from ice/salt abrasion as well as deterring snow balls from forming on the hair of your dog’s feet.

Keeping these few tips in mind will keep your companion pets warm, safe and healthy during the cold winter months.

Adopt or Volunteer at Salt Lake Shelters & Rescues

If you’re looking to add a new furry or feathered friend to your family, why not adopt? There are lots of wonderful animals in and around Salt Lake City looking for forever homes in shelters and at rescue organizations. Some of our favorite Merry Pets pack mates were adopted by their families! And if you don’t want to adopt but are looking to give some of your time to help the animal community, all of these organizations need volunteers! Check out this list of shelters and rescue programs that may be the ideal place to find your next animal companion or volunteer your time.

Wonderful cats and dogs are up for adoption along the Salt Lake Valley.

Wonderful cats and dogs are up for adoption along the Salt Lake Valley.

Best Friends Animal Society

2005 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84106

City of Holladay/Salt Lake County Animal Services

511 West 3900 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84123

South Salt Lake Animal Services 

2274 South 600 West, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Second Chance for Homeless Pets

200 E. Gordon Lane (4180 South), Salt Lake City, UT 84107

Humane Society of Utah

4242 S. Commerce Dr., Murray, UT 84107

Murray City Animal Services

5624 South 300 West, Murray, UT 84107

Ronie’s for the Love of Birds

9187 South 700 East Sandy, UT 84070

Cottonwood Heights/Sandy City Animal Services

8715 South 700 West, Sandy, UT 84070


For the love of Birds!

Ronie’s operates a rescue program for parrots, where you can adopt birds from budgies to cockatoos.

3 Tips for Good Pet Dental Health

Preventing tooth and gum disease in your pet is just as important to his health as preventing respiratory diseases or parvovirus. And with February being National Pet Dental Health Month, it’s a great time to check in on your pet’s dental health by following these simple tips.

February is National Pet Dental Month, so follow these tips to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy.

February is National Pet Dental Month, so follow these tips to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy.

Tip #1: Do a breath check. It’s ok if your dog or cat’s breath doesn’t smell minty fresh all the time, but chronic bad breath can sometimes be a sign of gum or periodontal disease. Check your pet’s breath regularly to know how it usually smells. And, according to the ASPCA, if it’s changed or become worse, it’s a good idea to schedule a vet visit, especially if you also notice your pet losing his appetite, drinking or urinating excessively or vomiting.

Tip #2: Provide treats for dental health. Treats and toys aren’t just great for reinforcing desired behavior in your pet–they can also be great for dental health. Chew toys and treats, particularly, help reduce tartar and bacteria build up on your pet’s teeth. They also keep teeth strong. So the next time you’re at the pet store, stock up on chew toys and treats to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and strong.

Chew toys help promote pet dental health by strengthening teeth and reducing tartar. Photo by Nyla Bone.

Chew toys help promote pet dental health by strengthening teeth and reducing tartar. Photo by Nyla Bone.

Tip #3: Clean his teeth. One of the best things for your pet’s dental health is regular teeth brushing. You can do it yourself at home with pet-formulated toothpaste or just baking soda and water. Use a smaller, pet-safe toothbrush, too. For tips to safely and effectively brush your dog or cat’s teeth regularly, talk to your vet or watch this short veterinarian video.

Doing regular cleanings, giving him chew toys and treats, and checking your pet’s breath are three ways to ensure good dental health for your pet. For even more tips, visit this article.

Poison Prevention for Pets


Pets can be as mischievous as little children, getting into things when you least expect it. Keeping your pets safe from poisons definitely means keeping household chemicals, medications and the like out of their reach, but it also means knowing which non-chemical items may be poisonous to them. In honor of Poison Prevention Awareness Month for Pets, here are some common items that may be toxic to your pets. Some may surprise you!

Avocados, Garlic and Onion. These make fabulous guacamole, but all three are toxic to birds, dogs and cats.

#2 Pencils. These back-to-school staples are harmless on their own, but if your dog or cat chews them up, the effects can be hazardous.

Keep pencils stowed safely away so pets don’t chew on them and harm themselves.

Keep pencils stowed safely away so pets don’t chew on them and harm themselves.

Tulip Bulbs, Oleander and Chrysanthemums. As you get ready to plant your garden, avoid these three and a handful of other plants that may harm your pets. See more toxic plants on this list from the ASPCA.

Mothballs. These helpful balls may keep linens and clothing free from pests, but keep them well hidden from pets, as they can be toxic. If you don’t use mothballs, read the labels of air fresheners, potpourri mixes and other items you’re considering using to ensure they are safe if pets accidentally consume them.

A Variety of Human Foods. Some food and drink that are ok for humans to consumer are poisonous to pets, so don’t share chocolate, caffeine, coffee, alcohol or yeast dough. Also, be sure to not serve your dog cooked bones, as they splinter and can be extremely harmful to their digestive systems.

These are just a handful of items to avoid. For a complete list of possible poisons, consult this list from the ASPCA. And if you’re concerned your pet has ingested something that may be poisonous, call one of the 24-hour veterinary clinics around the Salt Lake Valley:

Advanced Veterinary Care  801-942-3951

Cottonwood Animal Hospital   801-278-0505

Utah Veterinary Center 801-871-0600

Be prepared ahead of time by printing this free list of 24-hour veterinary hospitals around the Wasatch Front from Pets in the City Magazine.

Pet-Friendly Establishments Around Salt Lake City

If you’re planning on taking your pet along with you for errands, a meal or a trip, there are several establishments in and around Salt Lake City that welcome companion animals. Whether you want to stop for coffee or stay in a hotel, check out some of the best pet-friendly establishments in the area.

Coffee Shops

Coffee Garden. In the 9th & 9th district, this hip coffee shop allows pets on their patio year round.

Kafenio. This multi-purpose coffee shop allows pets on its patio and in its black box theater.

Higher Ground Coffee on 2000 East and 3300 South allows pets on its patio.

Many restaurants around Salt Lake City welcome pets, especially dogs.

Many restaurants around Salt Lake City welcome pets, especially dogs.


Citris Grill. This delicious grill, known for its unique grilled cheese sandwiches,  welcomes pets on its patio.

Em’s Restaurant. Located just north of downtown, this lovely farm-to-table restaurant welcomes pets for brunch, lunch or dinner.

Oasis Café. Spring and summer see the patio of Café Oasis opening up, ready to bring your pet for brunch, lunch or dinner.

Log Haven restaurant up Mill Creek Canyon is a popular romantic and wedding destination, and they welcome pets.


Hotel Monaco and Sheraton Salt Lake City. Pets of all size are welcome with no additional pet fee.

La Quinta Inn & Suites Salt Lake City AirportUp to two pets of any size are welcome with no additional pet fee.

Traveling with pets is easier with pet-friendly hotels around Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo by

Traveling with pets is easier with pet-friendly hotels around Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo by

This is just a sampling of the pet-friendly establishments in and around Salt Lake. If you don’t see a favorite place of yours, talk to the manager or owner to see if they may welcome your pet the next time you stop by!

Watch for Signs: Bloat

In April 2015, Merry Pets sadly lost one of our beloved Merry pack mates, Charlie, to bloat. This condition, also known as gastric dilation-volvulus (GVD), came on quickly and took Charlie, a healthy dog who loved hiking and playing with his brother, Rocco, within hours. We miss Charlie, and we want to keep our other pack mates safe from suffering from bloat (which the ASPCA says kills 25% to 40% of dogs), so we’re sharing the signs to watch for in order to keep your dog healthy and happy.

Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes bloat, but according to WebMD, it can happen just after your dog eats a large meal, drinks a lot of water after eating or performs brisk exercise before or after eating. Any dog can develop bloat, but middle-age and older dogs, as well as large breed dogs with deep chests are more prone to develop this condition.

Bloat can progress rapidly, so watch for the following signs and bring your dog to the vet immediately if he shows:

  • Bloated stomach or abdomen

  • Cool body temperature

  • Fast heartbeat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Salivating excessively

  • Pale gums

  • Weakness or collapsing

  • Vomiting or belching without production

Print out this list of 24-hour veterinary clinics around the Wasatch Front in case of emergency. Getting your dog to the vet at the first sign of bloat is the best way to keep him or her healthy.

Charlie, a Merry pack mate, passed away from bloat in April 2014. Know the signs of bloat to keep your dog from developing this often fatal condition.

Charlie, a Merry pack mate, passed away from bloat in April 2014. Know the signs of bloat to keep your dog from developing this often fatal condition.

Tips to Keep Pets Safe During Fireworks

July in Utah brings not one, but two amazing holidays where we commemorate the birth of our nation and the founding of our state. Between Independence Day and Pioneer Day, the surge of patriotic pride is everywhere, and we celebrate with concerts, picnics, parades–and fireworks. While these colorful explosions are as American to us as apple pie, to pets the loud, unpredictable noises can be unnerving and unsettling. They can also make them run in fear; in fact, more pets run away during fireworks season than any other time of the year. But there’s more you can do to help your pets than just reinforcing your fences and gate latches. Read on for 4 tips to keep your pets calm and safe during fireworks time.

1. Prepare them ahead of time. Dog whisperer Cesar Milan suggests slowly acclimating your pet to the sound of fireworks so he’s used to them. That way, when the real things go off, your pet isn’t startled by the sound and stays calm. He suggests playing a recording of fireworks at increasingly louder volumes before regular activities like play and walk time to integrate them naturally. For more info, visit his website.

Fireworks are beautiful, but their loud noises scare pets and make them more likely to run away in fear. Photo by

Fireworks are beautiful, but their loud noises scare pets and make them more likely to run away in fear. Photo by

 2. Keep them at a safe distance. If you live near a stadium, park or other venue that will be hosting fireworks, or if you live in a neighborhood that particularly loves to shoot fireworks off, take your pet away from that area for the time being to minimize exposure to the noise. Have him stay at a friend’s home or at a day care or boarding facility he’s familiar with so he’s in a calm atmosphere away from the noises and stays safe.

3. Keep them company. We’re usually planning barbeques, picnics and other get togethers for Independence Day or Pioneer Day. And while it’s fun to be social, staying with your pets once the fireworks begin is one of the best ways to keep them calm and safe. Stay indoors or make sure they have harnesses on if you’re outside. If it helps your pet feel safer, put him in his crate. Keeping your pet company will increase his sense of safety.

4. Help them holistically. If all else fails, there are many ways to provide extra calm for your pet around the time for fireworks. Wearing compression sweaters helps to ease the nervous system, and holistic drops added to your pet’s water or favorite treat can help calm him naturally.

Compression jackets can help ease your pet’s nervous system to keep him calm during the commotion and loud noises of fireworks. Photo of Thundershirt.

Compression jackets can help ease your pet’s nervous system to keep him calm during the commotion and loud noises of fireworks. Photo of Thundershirt.

6 Frozen Pet Treats for Summer

During the dog days of summer, one of the best ways to help your pet beat the heat is to give him or her some frozen treats. The refreshing cool taste of your pet’s favorite flavors will be a switch from drinking plain water and a delicious treat. Try one or more of these fun recipes to give your dog, cat or parrot a memorable, tasty frozen treat this summer.

Frozen Treats for Dogs

Frozen Banana Treats. Mix four cups of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and 3 mashed, ripe bananas together till smooth. Spoon the mixture into disposable cups or ice cube trays. Freeze; remove from the cups or ice cube trays and serve in a dish or bowl. (from

Chicken pops. Spread pieces of cooked, chopped chicken breasts evenly into disposable paper cups. Mix 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of dried parsley in a bowl; pour the mixture over the chicken pieces. Freeze; remove from the cup and serve in a dish or bowl.  (from Doggy Dessert Chef)

Frozen chicken pops make for delicious treats for your pup on hot days. Photo by Doggy Dessert Chef.

Frozen chicken pops make for delicious treats for your pup on hot days. Photo by Doggy Dessert Chef.

Frozen Treats for Cats

Seafood treats. Mix a can of water-packed tuna or salmon with approximately a ½ cup of water together in a bowl or food processor. Spoon into ice cube trays and freeze. Remove from the trays and serve in a dish or bowl. (from Modern Cat)

Seafood treats for cats are made fancier by putting them in ocean-themed shaped ice cube trays like seahorses. Photo by Modern Cat.

Seafood treats for cats are made fancier by putting them in ocean-themed shaped ice cube trays like seahorses. Photo by Modern Cat.

Goat’s Milk-sicle. Spread ¼ of a packet of The Honest Kitchen’s Pro Bloom Instant Goat’s Milk into four disposable cups. Mix well with water, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze; remove from the cups and serve in a dish or bowl. (from Catster)

Frozen Treats for Parrots

Summer Treats. Freeze water or 100% fruit juice in ice cube trays about 70%. Add cut up fruit pieces to fill each partially frozen ice cube and freeze completely. Remove from the ice cube trays and serve in a dish or bowl. (from Birds N Ways)

Frozen fruit in water or juice makes a delicious summer treat for your pet bird. Photo by Pip and Ebby.

Frozen fruit in water or juice makes a delicious summer treat for your pet bird. Photo by Pip and Ebby.

Frozen Yogurt for Birds. Blend 4 cups of plain yogurt, I cup of mashed fresh fruit, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and 2 tablespoons of honey together in the blender. Place in disposable cups or ice cube trays. Freeze; remove from the cups or trays and serve in a dish or bowl. (from Cockatiel Cottage)

These frozen treats are nutritious and delicious–and your pets will love them!

Tips for Safe Car Rides with Pets

The sight of a dog with his head out the window of a car is usually one of pure joy. Many pets enjoy taking trips around town and out on the open road, and taking your pet along on car rides is a fun activity to do together. Read on for tips to keep your pet safe during car rides.

Keep windows rolled down partially, rather than all the way, to keep your pets safe during car rides. Photo by Dognition.

Keep windows rolled down partially, rather than all the way, to keep your pets safe during car rides. Photo by Dognition.

Drive a car in good working order. It may seem obvious, but the first thing to keep in mind is whether or not your car is up for taking your pet for a ride. Cars in working order are best for pet car rides. Strong locks and windows that work keep your pet in the car, preventing them from escaping or falling out while you’re driving. A working temperature control system keeps your car cool during warm rides and warm during cold ones so your pet is comfy and healthy.

Use safety devices. Pet carriers, harnesses and gates help keep your pet contained in the car, keeping him or her safe. Free-roaming pets in a car can be distracting to the driver as well as unsafe for sudden stops. Confer with your veterinarian or check out sites like Pet Auto Safety to find a safety device that works best for you.

Keep your pet calm and comfy. Calm pets make the best travel companions for car rides. Make sure your pet is comfy in the car by getting him or her used to it prior to long rides. Place a mat or padding in his car riding area, and make sure you have water for him in portable water dishes. Consider covering the crates of nervous pet riders or giving them a holistic relaxant like Rescue Remedy for Pets just before you head out.

Keeping these tips in mind will keep your companion pets safe for car rides, long and short.

5 Tips to Keep Pet Boredom at Bay

There’s a lot of debate about whether pets experience boredom like people do, but one thing’s for sure: sometimes when pets act out, it’s because they are restless and trying to keep themselves occupied in new and different ways. This is especially true of cats, dogs and parrots. If your pet suddenly acts out, becomes anxious or clingy, or displays some of the signs below, he or she may be bored.

  • Destroying part of your home or yard

  • Urinating or defecating outside appropriate places

  • Grooming too much

  • Barking/meowing/calling more than usual

  • Being disobedient

Follow these easy tips to keep boredom at bay so your pet and you will be happy.

Pets that suddenly start being destructive or disobedient may be bored or restless. Photo by Daily Puppy.

Pets that suddenly start being destructive or disobedient may be bored or restless. Photo by Daily Puppy.

1. Rotate out toys. Pets are stimulated by new sights, smells and textures. Playing with the same toys over and over can get monotonous, so purchase new toys regularly, and switch them out for old ones to give your pet a variety of toy experiences.

2. Teach them tricks. The process of learning a new trick–including being rewarded with praise and treats–challenges your dog’s or parrot’s mind, preventing boredom. Plus, it gives them something to show off to friends and family for further praise!

3. Make sure your pet gets plenty of playtime and physical exercise. Physical exercise keeps pets from building up restless energy and keeps them at a healthy weight. Play chase games with your cat around the house or peek-a-boo with your parrot. Take dogs for regular walks or hikes (or hire Merry Petsto help!), or try an agility course for fun.

4. Supply activities or toys that challenge their minds. Making pets solve puzzles or work for their food stimulates their minds and their tastebuds. Place food bowls in different places around the house for your cat to keep his hunting instincts in tact. Attach a foraging toy to a parrot’s cage or hide a treat in a puzzle toy or maze toy to challenge dogs or cats to retrieve them.

Foraging toys help pets that naturally graze keep their minds active. Photo by Northern Parrots.

Foraging toys help pets that naturally graze keep their minds active. Photo by Northern Parrots.

5. Provide social time. Social interaction keeps you and your pet bonded and keeps boredom at bay. Introducing your pets to new games, people or places keeps their minds active as they take in new stimuli. According to Cesar Millan, “Every time your dog meets a new person or fellow canine, they are introduced to new sights, sounds and butts to sniff. Taking your pup to places like the dog park will provide him with ample opportunity to engage his senses.” Don’t hesitate to ask Merry Pets to help by taking your dog on a group hike or dog park trip!