
Pet Care Tips for Fall

As Autumn arrives with its cooler weather and color-changing leaves, it’s time to trade your summer shorts in for sweaters and start decorating your home with gourds and wreaths. But as you’re preparing for Fall at your home and in your wardrobe, try these tips to prepare for your pet’s safety and health, too.

Stay active. With the weather cooling down, it’s a fantastic time to take your pet outside to get some additional Vitamin D from the sun without burning up in the heat. Take care of your pet this Fall by getting outside together in the Autumn weather for walks, hikes, games of fetch and more. If you’re short on time, call Merry Pets to schedule some extra hikes or walks for your pet, to help keep him healthy and active. Don’t forget to crunch some leaves while you’re out and about, just for fun!

Take advantage of the cooling weather to play outside with your pet. Image from

Take advantage of the cooling weather to play outside with your pet. Image from

Watch out for poisons. Caring for pets in Autumn means watching out for things that can be poisonous to them. While you’re outside on Fall adventures, take care that your pet avoids eating mushrooms, which grow abundantly and can be fatal if ingested. And indoors, be careful to place Halloween candy, especially chocolate, as well as any rodenticides, out of your pet’s reach to keep him safe and healthy.

Have patience. Just as the trees shed their leaves in the Fall, pets shed their fur, feathers and skin in preparation to bulk up a bit for winter. So taking care of your pet during Autumn will involve a little extra patience and cleaning. Molting birds and shedding snakes may be a bit cranky and not as open to handling, so give them a little space to shed and try not to take their crankiness personally. According to Kim Lange of Kim’s Cold Blooded Creatures, providing plenty of humidity for insects and reptiles helps them shed their skin. And placing a hard surface (such as a rock or piece of wood) in a snake’s habitat helps them shed their skins a little easier. And don’t forget to keep a lint roller, broom and vacuum nearby to pick up extra fur and feathers.

Be prepared to be patient and clean a bit more as pets shed their summer coats, skins and feathers for Fall.

Be prepared to be patient and clean a bit more as pets shed their summer coats, skins and feathers for Fall.