Help Pets Beat the Heat

Labor Day may be the unofficial end of summer, but there’s still plenty of summer left to enjoy. And while summer is a time of fun in the sun, its heat can really be tough on pets, especially dogs, who are outside more than most pets. Follow these tips to help your dogs beat the summer heat to stay healthy and cool.

Provide shelter. Make sure your dog has a doghouse, patio or other shaded space to get out of the sun and stay cool during the hot summer days.

Make sure your dog has shelter to keep cool. Photo courtesy of DIY Network.

Make sure your dog has shelter to keep cool. Photo courtesy of DIY Network.

Leave your dog at home on hot days. It’s fun to bring your pets on errands with you when the weather is nice. But most stores and restaurants don’t allow pets, and leaving your dog in a car on hot days can be not only dangerous, but fatal. Leave your dog at home on hot days to stay cool and healthy.

Avoid strenuous exercise and hot surfaces. In the scorching heat of the afternoon sun, taking long hikes or even walks on hot surfaces can be painful and even dangerous to dogs. That’s why Merry Pets takes dog hikes in higher altitudes on trails with lots of shade and water to keep your pets cool and safe. And why we walk dogs on grass rather than hot concrete.

Provide lots of water. The best way to keep your dog cool in the summer heat is to provide lots of clean, fresh water to drink and play in. Get more tips on the benefits of water in this blog post.

Keeping your pups cool in the summer heat will help them stay healthy to enjoy the dog days of summer.